Measure the impact of your employees personal brands on the visibility of your brand

Discover the results you can expect on if you implement a strategy to promote the personal brands of your managers or as we call them,In addition, calculate the estimated amount of impact that your brand can achieve on organically when using and see all the money you can save.

¿Cuántos colaboradores sois en tu empresa?



What to expect when using for your social selling strategy.

Estimated impressions

(Número de colaboradores * Porcentaje de actividad en Magnettü * Post promedios mensuales por usuario * Impresiones promedio por post)

Datos internos de Magnettü

Estimated reactions

(Número de colaboradores * Porcentaje de actividad en Magnettü * Post promedios mensuales por usuario * reacciones promedio por post)

Datos internos de Magnettü

Expected clicks

(Ratio de clics por interacción * Impresiones esperadas)

Datos internos de Magnettü

To achieve these results without using our solution, you may...

Invest approximately 1492€ in ads whereas an investment of approximately 670€ within magnettu would be enough. With that, you would be saving 55% of your investment in marketing, with an engagement 10 times greater than that generated by your corporate account alone, greater customer retention, and a better perception of trust in your industry.

Las licencias de magnettu que necesitaría tu empresa serían...

Cuentas de EPBs

Cuentas de Administración

Cuentas de Advocacy


Transform your online presence with magnettu. Discover the power of an effective strategy. Act now to stand out!

Discover the power of an effective strategy. Contact us now.

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